Risk Management and Safety at the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee
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[David]: Hello and welcome to this Let's Talk podcast, Let's Talk Solutions. I'm excited
Speaker:[David]: to be able to meet with you on this first podcast from Adventist Risk Management.
Speaker:[David]: And today is a really exciting and important topic. We wanna talk about going
Speaker:[David]: to the Camperee. Maybe you're planning to attend the International Camperee in Gillette,
Speaker:[David]: Wyoming later this year. I hope you are. and we'd like to talk to you a little
Speaker:[David]: bit about safety preparing to go to the campery as well as at the campery and I
Speaker:[David]: am joined by some wonderful guests. I want to introduce them to you today. Today
Speaker:[David]: joining me I have Dr. David Mayer. Hello Dr. Mayer.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Bye.
Speaker:[David]: Welcome. We're really glad that you're with us today. Dr. Mayer has been in emergency
Speaker:[David]: medicine for quite a number of years, and he has enjoyed being the medical director
Speaker:[David]: at the camperee for the last three camperees prior to this one. Is that right?
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: That's correct.
Speaker:[David]: Fantastic.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: It's hard not to say going to Oshkosh, but now I have it at them, going
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to Gillette.
Speaker:[David]: Yeah, I've been making that mistake regularly. We will probably hear it yet before
Speaker:[David]: this podcast is over. So welcome and we're thankful to be in good hands with somebody
Speaker:[David]: who has had the experience that you've had. And also really appreciate that you are
Speaker:[David]: a Bible student and a follower of Jesus. You know, when we get together with the volunteers
Speaker:[David]: and the team members of our camperee, We're not just talking about amazing professionals
Speaker:[David]: who care about bringing their vocation to our active service in this event. We're
Speaker:[David]: talking about people who truly are followers of Christ and it's just it's exciting
Speaker:[David]: to partner together. So I want to introduce also Pamela Kruger, who is a nurse and now
Speaker:[David]: do I understand that this is also not your first and maybe even many more Kemperies.
Speaker:[David]: I don't know, how many is that? Five.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: This will be my fifth Campari, yes. I was trying to think who I worked
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: with the very first time and I'm not sure we had a medical director
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the very first time. We may have just been winging it, I don't remember.
Speaker:[David]: Well, it's wonderful to have you and your vast experience, not only at the camperee,
Speaker:[David]: but also as a as a nurse and in administration and emergency rooms. I understand you have
Speaker:[David]: a great deal of your experience in emergency work. Um, okay. Uh, last, but certainly
Speaker:[David]: not least. And you're going to have to help me with, with pronunciation because
Speaker:[David]: I don't like to get it wrong. Uh,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN]: Aguanaga.
Speaker:[David]: another nurse, Cindy. And if you could help me with your last name.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN]: You did.
Speaker:[David]: Hi, Guanaga. You know, okay. Did I do okay? Okay, all right. Well, that's, you
Speaker:[David]: know, that's very good. Again, another nurse who's experienced in the emergency work
Speaker:[David]: specifically. So we're looking forward to having your expertise as part of our camperee.
Speaker:[David]: All right. Well, as we get started, I really wanna turn the time over to you. and
Speaker:[David]: have you share a little bit more about what we can expect and what we should plan
Speaker:[David]: for, especially around health and safety, getting to and at the camperee. From my perspective,
Speaker:[David]: I really want to frame this conversation around one singular goal. The one goal is we
Speaker:[David]: want to protect our Pathfinders and our volunteers. We want them to have a safe,
Speaker:[David]: happy, experience. We want them to go home richly blessed, enhanced by their experience
Speaker:[David]: and not have some terrible accident that really ruins their memory and their experience.
Speaker:[David]: But if they have some sort of little thing that comes up along the way that there
Speaker:[David]: is the right solutions in place. So I want to turn things over to you if you will
Speaker:[David]: help us walk through what we should know about health and safety.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Okay, well, I'll start with a little introduction here. This team of Pam,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: who has been taking care of nursing and Cindy, who has experience in
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: military and in EMS, as well as in emergency nursing. This has been my core
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: executive team for my last three Pathfinder Camporese. And so this will
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: be our fourth one together as a team. And... I'm looking forward to working
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: with them. It works well when you work with somebody that you've worked
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: with before. We have spent a lot of time in prayer and conversation and
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: we've visited Gillette and visited Homeland Security for the state of
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Wyoming. Wyoming has been much more actively involved than Wisconsin
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: was, although 20 years ago now, we were more actively involved with the
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: state of Wisconsin, I think, and then it just kind of unfolded as we had
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: became accustomed to working up in Wisconsin. But we are solidly entrenched
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: in Wyoming. We've met with the local hospital and we have had meetings
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: on site with the hospital and the hospital administrators. Zoom meetings
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: as well with them. And we've met in Cheyenne with the Department of Homeland
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Security several times in putting together the background that provides
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: the support that we need from the state. We also have met together with
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: the local EMS and Cindy can talk a little bit about that, but we... we
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: do our EMS coordination under the EMS regulations that are on site there.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: So when I talk to the...
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Department of Homeland Security and had some other meetings with administrators
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: in different departments for the state such as the police and fire etc.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: My introduction was that Pathfinders is leading a group of young people
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to get to know Jesus and I said they're the kind of people that you
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: want to have as your neighbors and this camperee we would like to have so
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: that when we that you anticipate us when we come. And when we're there, you'll
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: think, this is very nice as a community. And then when we leave, you'll
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: want to say, that was so nice. When can we have you back again? And
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: we will say, well, it won't be next week or next month. It'll be five years
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: from now if Jesus doesn't come. And so along that lines, the numbers
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: that we've pulled together for the past three campereys is our... medical
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: team has seen about 250 patient visits every day. And if we just let that number
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of patients visit the community health care, that would overwhelm the healthcare
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: system there. So we're very cognizant of wanting to make sure that the
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: healthcare system there has been at least screened through a medical team.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: So we have... doctors that are board certified and we have the nursing
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: team. And then Cindy will talk about the EMS roving team that we have
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: that will help that. One of the other things I say to the group that
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: I've said several times is, Pathfinders are a club and every club has done
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: lots of things on their own. They've gone camping, they've gone to a variety
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of places. They take care of their meals and they take care of them,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of their medical needs. And so we anticipate that this will also be the
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: case here, that they will take care of that. And Pam will talk a little
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: bit more about the things we wanna make sure that they remember to put
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: together. And they will come as a unit. We will just be that additional
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: healthcare support for them. So they won't have to go to the community unless
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: their needs are greater and then they can go to the community For those
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: kind of things so we won't be taking any appendix out or we won't be doing
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: those kind
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN]: Okay.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of things, you know Not that we couldn't or wouldn't want to do that, but
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: we won't be doing that, you know, we'll pass that on So We start each of
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: our meetings usually you know with you know asking Jesus to guide us
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: and we look at that our touch of the campers is not just from our medical
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: standpoint, but we would like to use this as an opportunity to encourage
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: each one of us as healthcare providers to talk about Jesus with each and
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: every encounter that we have so that we can reconnect with that and use
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: that as we go on with our healthcare elsewhere. The care that we provide
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: there, like I mentioned, there will be people that can do the surgery
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: if they needed to or are full EMS related. And their skills are much
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: more than what we're gonna provide. We're gonna provide basic medical
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: care. If it needs more than that, we've met with the community health services
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: and we will provide that information and let the community take care
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of anything that's more than just basic medical care.
Speaker:[David]: good. Yeah, it's good to make that connection. I think between, I like to do that
Speaker:[David]: for all of our risk management topics as well. You know, Jesus came here as the great
Speaker:[David]: healer and he was mingling with people and he was meeting their needs and his acts
Speaker:[David]: of service were also, you know, practical acts of care and healing. but they were spiritual
Speaker:[David]: blessings as well. So it's an important connection that we make that whatever we're
Speaker:[David]: doing, whether it's safety, security, or in your case with a medical care, these
Speaker:[David]: are spiritual acts of service. So thank you for that.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: So just handing it on to Pam for some of the details of what we'd want
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to have from medical and from the nursing side.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Thank you for the opportunity. As Dr. Mayer said,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: we hope that we're a well-oiled machine, and we've worked well
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: together for several camperees prior to this one. And we have learned
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: from each camperee what works and what doesn't work. So hopefully,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the information that I would like to share with you is. will make
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: your camperee and the Pathfinder's Camperee a pleasant experience
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: and keep as much illness and injuries away as possible. So the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: top of mind that I would like for every camper, whether it's
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: a volunteer from Pastor Ron Whitehead all the way down to the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: very youngest camper is water. Water. water inside and outside.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: It is important to drink. What we have discovered in the past
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: is that sometimes our young campers do not appreciate the non-flushing
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: facilities, so they don't want to drink because then they don't
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: have to use the bathroom. But it is important to drink for many,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that each camper have an insulated water bottle or a camelback
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: so that they always have water with them. Every camper needs to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: plan for not less than 48 ounces of water, preferably 64 ounces
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of water every single day. I strongly suggest that caffeine is avoided.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: It causes you to get rid of more fluid than what you should.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: And plan for a powdered Gatorade or PowerAid to be added to one water
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: bottle each day. Lack of water is going to cause problems such
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: as constipation, which causes terrible belly pain, which causes
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: an unpleasant experience. Other concerns with insufficient water intake
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: is dehydration, fainting, headaches, muscle cramps, and you're just out
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of gas. Not much energy. So water, water.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Now, Pam, along with that,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN]: Thanks for watching!
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: the altitude is gonna be quite a bit different than a lot of people
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: are used to. So it's a little drier and you don't feel it. So that's where
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: you definitely need that water that you're talking about. It's about
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: 44,000 or 4,400 feet at the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Yes.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: campings there.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Yes, and we will talk a little bit more about that and a little
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: bit farther down in our conversation. It's hot during the day,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it's cold at night, you're in the desert, so need to plan for significant
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: temperature swings. Make sure you have sunscreen. You'll be busy
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: during the day not realizing how much fun you're having and then
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: all of a sudden the sunburn kicks in and then you're very uncomfortable.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Also bug spray we want to make sure that we keep um avoid the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: bug bites that are out there. You want clothes for warm weather
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: as I said it's hot during the day and you want clothes for cold
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: weather it's cold at night so when you think about going to the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: evening program bring a jacket bring a sweatshirt bring a blanket
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: You want a warm sleeping bag for at night. It's always good to have
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: a sheet tucked inside that sleeping bag just in case it's warmer
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: than what we think and an extra blanket. And we never know what
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the weather is going to be like. So rain geared with a poncho or
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: an umbrella so that you're somewhat protected for that type of
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: weather.
Speaker:[David]: These are really good points. I hope that our Pathfinder Club directors are making
Speaker:[David]: note of these because these are really, really critical. If you haven't visited this
Speaker:[David]: particular location, these are points to really emphasize with your club. Rain can
Speaker:[David]: come right up and wind be very high. You can have some unexpected experiences there.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Yes,
Speaker:[David]: Thank you for this.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: you're welcome. And you're in the desert, so
Speaker:[David]: Right.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it's going to be dry when that wind kicks in. You're going to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: get dust, so have some sunglasses handy to help keep the dust
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: out of your eyes. We have experienced in past camperees where
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: some of our younger campers get confused and think they're going
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to a fashion show. So they are not wearing comfortable shoes.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: They'll be wearing heels. We have had a couple occasions where
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: campers had full thickness blisters on the bottom of their feet
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: where they were not able to walk because of the blisters and the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: pain. So comfortable shoes, keep the heels at home, bring flat shoes
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: or tennis shoes for marching in the parade. You also want to make
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: sure you have flip-flops or some equivalent footwear to wear in the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: shower, several pair of cotton socks. Plan for a couple of pair
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of socks a day if your feet gets hot and sweaty, or if your feet
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: get wet from rain, you want to make sure you have dry socks. And
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: then two pair of tennis shoes, again for the same reason, if
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: one gets wet, then you've got a dry pair of tennis shoes while
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the wet pair is drying. You're going to be walking miles every day.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: There's more walking than what many people will be used to. I also
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: suggest that every camper, adult and Pathfinder have a backpack
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of some sort. And in that backpack, at a minimum, you want to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: keep some hand sanitizer in there. That's going to be our top priority
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to ward off any type of communicable disease such as colds and that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: type of thing that you want to, excuse me, spread rampant. As
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it sounds, keep a roll of toilet paper in the backpack. If you
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: happen to go into a bathroom and all of a sudden the toilet paper
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: is gone, you're gonna be glad for that extra roll of toilet paper.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Keep a small package of cleaning wipes, such as Lysol wipes or some
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: brand of that sort. And then a great place to keep your water bottle
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: if you're not going to be using a camelback. So our medical services
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that are available, we will have physicians, nurse practitioners,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: physician assistants, nurses, EMS, and many support staff. Our medical
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: building is staff 24-7. As Dr. Mayer said, we provide basic care.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: We will use our local county EMS support. Some critical points for
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: our Pathfinder leaders to... to really pay attention to and make a
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: priority is you must have copies of the medical form for not only
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: your Pathfinders, but for the adults. And I would suggest making
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: at least three copies of those because if you need to bring one in
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to the medical building and we keep it, or for some reason they go
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: into the urgent care or the hospital and they keep the copy, you'll
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: have copies then for any future need. Pathfinders cannot just
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: come into the medical building unless it is a true emergency without
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: an adult present. We must have an adult sponsor there to treat
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that Pathfinder. We want to make sure that we have all their
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: information, that we're not giving them medication that maybe
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: they are allergic to or they shouldn't have. Each club needs
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to keep with them some Tylenol, some Advil, ibuprofen, peroxide,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: basic wound care supplies and keep the medication secured. We
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: don't want medication just laying around where kids can just inadvertently
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: get into the medication and then we have bigger problems to deal with.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: As odd as it seems, make sure that all your campers that are of
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the appropriate age have their feminine hygiene supplies, even
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: if they don't think they're going to need it. The change in altitude,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: change in environment, change in groups of people just cause funny
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: things to happen with our young females. And they don't want
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to be caught off guard without having those supplies. Other
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: important information that we would like to share with the team is
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: please make a copy of each campers insurance card. And I would
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: suggest that the adult sponsors have just a small binder. that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: they keep all this information in and keep it on their person.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: It's a great thing to stick in a backpack so that in the event
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it's needed, then you have it. We do not need an insurance card
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: at the medical building. There's no charge for the services that the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: medical volunteers are providing. However, if that camper needs
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to go in to the local hospital or urgent care, they will want to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: have that insurance card. We have had times in the past where this
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: has been a little problematic, so please make sure you have that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: insurance card copy. And the local hospital and urgent care and
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: EMS system are advised that they will not automatically be billing
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Adventist risk management unless they have the appropriate documentation
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that insurance has been purchased through Adventist risk management.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: EMS will require a copy of the insurance card if they happen
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to transport a patient. So the insurance card and the medical forms
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: are very important. And the medical team, we will not be contacting
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: parents or the contact number unless it's a true emergency. So it
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: will be important that sponsor is with the child, the Pathfinder,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: so they can relay that information back. Please share with your
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: parents of the Pathfinders and the contact persons of all campers that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: during this camperee, they need to keep their cell phones on and
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: close to them and to please answer unrecognizable numbers. Medical
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: team, if we do need to call, maybe calling from their personal
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: cell phone or we may call from a landline and it will come across
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: as an unknown number. Sometimes it may even show up as spam, but
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: please answer those calls. We will identify ourselves and let them
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: know why we are calling. So in that binder, keep a copy of your camper's
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: medical form, a copy of the camper's insurance card, and a copy
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of the parent's contact information. Medications. This is hugely important
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: for both our adults and for the Pathfinders. If you have campers
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that are diabetic, if you have campers that take blood pressure
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: medication, if you have campers that have asthma, if you have
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: campers that are allergic to bees or nuts or anything else,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: please make sure that you... have all that medication packed,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: bring enough for the length of time that you'll be gone and
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: some extra. We wanna make sure that you don't run out, make sure
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that you have that on your checklist of things to pack and that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: you check your luggage prior to leaving. For your diabetics, you wanna
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: make sure it includes their testing equipment. And if they are using...
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: a disc that's connected to their cell phone to make sure they've got
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: cell phone chargers and all the things that they need with that.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Also be aware that the altitude is high. It's somewhere around
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that close to 4500, 5000 feet and you will feel short of breath
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: even without exertion. That's just a natural thing. that you'll feel
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: while you're out there. You may acclimate by about the end of
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the camperee, but be prepared for that shortness of breath. So
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: those are just some basic things that we believe as a medical team
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: will help to create a more pleasant and successful camperee
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: with regard to the medical component. My information is on the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: website, so.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: you.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Anyone can feel free to email me or call me with any medical questions
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that we have, and I will answer or direct to Dr. Mayer and Cindy
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: as appropriate. Thank you very much. I will now turn this over to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Cindy, who will talk to you about our first responders.
Speaker:[David]: Thank you.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: I'm glad you said, Pam, first responders. We called it EMS and in the past,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: we've had some of our EMS providers that are excellent at what they do
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: and they've worked in some pretty challenging places. So they have a lot
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: of experience. And in this location, they're more acting in a first responder
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: role. So Cindy will address that as to what we do and how we approach this.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Hi everyone. Our first responders will consist of they can be paramedics,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: EMTs, nurses, everybody likes to help and go on the golf carts. They'll
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: be assigned. It's just a fun thing to do.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: I'm gonna go.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: They'll be assigned to specific areas. We're going to divide up
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: the camp so that they're not going from one end to the other end. They
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: will be there to assist if needed, treat first aid treats, they got
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: blisters, you know, whatever the case may be. Or even if they're,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: you know, they're having an allergic reaction, they can help and assist
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: the camper with their EpiPen or their inhaler or get them to their
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: camp fast enough so they can use their own equipment, their own
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: medications. If need be, they will be transported to the medical
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: building for a more in-depth assessment and or transported to the
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: community hospital. We're trying not to do that so we don't.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: overwhelm the medical system. They will all be trained in CPR. They'll
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: know how to use the AED that they'll be having, any true emergencies,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: traumas. We will dispatch for our dispatch dispatchers to call 911 to
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: have EMS out if need be. Hopefully we won't need that.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: I'm glad you brought that up, Cindy. I don't know if we put that down,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: but
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: our dispatchers at the medical unit will be doing the ones to call 911. We
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: don't want everybody to call 911 if there's a situation. We will direct
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: it through the medical, and then if 911 is appropriate, we'll go from there.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Otherwise, our first responders will... respond first and these golf carts
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: are going to be not looking exactly like golf carts because we're repurposing
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: them for their first responder carts.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: They'll have enough equipment and the knowledge to sustain, stabilize
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: the camper or volunteer as needed till EMS gets there. Also, I also
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: want to reiterate that, you know, the golf carts are there to help
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: for medical needs. We are not going to be... We're not, you know,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: they can't just jump on and we're not going to transport them from
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: point A to point B because they're tired. We're all tired. So it's only
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: rides that are needed. What else can I tell you?
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: It's hard to say no if somebody says, well, I'd like a ride here.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Yeah.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: It's hard to say no. So I think if each club lets their campers know
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: that when they see a EMS car, that they're on their rotations and they
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: should just let them do their job and not ask, oh, I just want to go here
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: or there. Just please don't do that.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Yeah. Also in regards to our EMS personnel, our first responder personnel,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: is that they will be using what's in our jump bag only. They will
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: not be permitted to bring their own personal supplies. We want
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: to make sure everything is consistent. and know the radio frequencies,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: whatever, whoever they need to contact. So everything will be, we'll
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: make sure that everybody has access to a radio, their golf cart, their
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: junk bag. Um. I can't think of anything else that we could do.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: So one of the things that I wanted to add, lesson learned from prior
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: camperees in what created some backlog in the medical building
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: was getting the campers back to their campsite after they've been seen
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: and treated at the medical building. So we will have designated
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: golf carts and volunteer drivers that will take the campers who have
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: been seen and treated at the medical building. back to their site.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: If somebody has a sprained ankle, it's pretty not nice of us
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to say, now hobble back half
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: I'm
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: a mile
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: sorry.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to your campsite. And so we do have that service provided. And
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: one of our goals as the medical leadership team is to really
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: make this a positive experience. We love our volunteers. We've made
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: some lifelong friendships working with the volunteers. And it's important
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that our medical volunteers come with a positive attitude, come
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: ready to serve Jesus, come ready to be tired, to
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: be exhausted, to be blessed and to be a blessing. So, you know,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it's hard for us that have been in the medical profession for
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: a long time not to practice at the top of our license. None of
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: us will be practicing with the full capability that we have done
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: in our professional life. And And that can be a little hard for
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: some people to deal with. So we very much appreciate our volunteers,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: and we ask that our volunteers be positive about working in the
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: parameters that we have established for them. And if that doesn't
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: work, then there may be other opportunities for them to volunteer
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: elsewhere on the grounds. But we really need to maintain our...
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: We need to do what we say we're going to do and not overstep our
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: bounds.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Mm-hmm.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: And we want Gillette to want us back.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Absolutely.
Speaker:[David]: Amen.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Yeah, I think we said last time and it went smoother. We started out saying,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: absolutely no grumbling or complaining. And that like we did with
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Mm-hmm.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: our kids, no whining. But
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Ha ha ha!
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: if you have a complaint, we'll have a complaint meeting the week after
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Camporee. If you'd like to come to that, you can.
Speaker:[David]: I'm going to go to bed.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Otherwise, if you're overwhelmingly feel unsatisfied or something, I'll be glad
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to write you a note that says, thank you for your interest in our, being
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: part of our medical care. We hope you enjoy the camperee.
Speaker:[David]: Well, thank you so much. These are really, really important notes and points that
Speaker:[David]: you shared with us. Thank each of you for your expertise and coordinating such an
Speaker:[David]: incredibly large endeavor. I caught water. That's something that our campers need
Speaker:[David]: to be prepared for. Our clubs need to remind people water, water. They're
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank
Speaker:[David]: not
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: you.
Speaker:[David]: going to want to as much as they need to. So we need to emphasize that. Being prepared
Speaker:[David]: for the sun. the hot and the cold. We could be experiencing both hot and being
Speaker:[David]: prepared for cold as well. Lots and lots of walking. One of the things I like about
Speaker:[David]: this campground is that it is maybe organized in a more centralized way.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Uh-huh.
Speaker:[David]: I'm excited about what that might mean for some of our campers not having to cross
Speaker:[David]: like from the very far end to get to one thing. A little more centralized. However.
Speaker:[David]: It's you can't bring this many people anywhere and not have to do a lot of walking.
Speaker:[David]: Uh, it's a lot of people, so it's a lot of space. We will be doing lots of walking.
Speaker:[David]: So those dry socks and the right shoes, really, really important to get that in our
Speaker:[David]: planning process. And then thank you so much again for just outlining the sort of
Speaker:[David]: the big picture strategy of what is the purpose of your team. What are you trying
Speaker:[David]: to achieve and how that integrates into the local community? Because if our club
Speaker:[David]: leaders
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[David]: can kind of be on that same strategy, if they can prepare parents for that as well,
Speaker:[David]: that'll be really, really important. Going in with the right information. We'll
Speaker:[David]: talk a little more about insurance in just a minute. But having those medical
Speaker:[David]: releases, parent information, contact information. ahead of time, really, really
Speaker:[David]: important. Um, I appreciated your do not leave home without comments
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: I'm going to go ahead and close the video.
Speaker:[David]: for medication inhalers and whatnot.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Yeah.
Speaker:[David]: Um, and just thank you so much for sharing with us, you know, what the overall
Speaker:[David]: strategy is.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: If I could add one more thing,
Speaker:[David]: Peace.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the more I talk, the more I think of things and I will update
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the PowerPoint as well to add this information. One of the things
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: that will be different from my understanding in Gillette and what
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: has been in Oshkosh is that the golf cart traffic is not going
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to be integrated with the foot traffic. So golf cart traffic
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: will be on the perimeters. Now, that being said, the medical golf carts
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: will have to be with the foot traffic. There will be times that
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the medical golf carts need to respond quickly. And we have
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: in the past used air horns and even using air horns, we have
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: struggled with the foot traffic moving out of the way. So as Pathfinder
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: leaders and adult sponsors, when you hear those air horns coming,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: it's in the best interest of everyone's safety to move out of
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: the way of the golf cart. as well as it will allow us to get to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: where we need to go more quickly to deal with that potential
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: medical emergency.
Speaker:[David]: Yeah,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: and work. True.
Speaker:[David]: that's
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: There.
Speaker:[David]: part of being a good pathfinder is being a good citizen. And that means when there's
Speaker:[David]: medical professionals or other emergency responders, you want to facilitate their ability
Speaker:[David]: to do their job, your ability. So really important.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: There will be a number of these medical golf carts that will be out there
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: with, they'll have two people in each golf cart and send the NPM. I don't
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: remember how many golf carts you're gonna have this time, but it's been
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: somewhere between six to 10 golf carts will be rotating around at all
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: times. So the,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: We'll have to end it all this time.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: how many? 10
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: 10 to 12,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: teams.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: 12, 13. So they will be present in all of the different places. Cindy's looked
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: over the map and is starting to put those places where they're gonna go
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: listed out.
Speaker:[David]: Fantastic.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: soon to come.
Speaker:[David]: Well, you know, if you think of more things, you don't hesitate to speak up as we
Speaker:[David]: keep moving forward here. I want to touch on you mentioned insurance and some folks
Speaker:[David]: are curious about when is the insurance going to be available and what does that look
Speaker:[David]: like? So we Adventist Risk Management does prepare an insurance policy for campers
Speaker:[David]: to purchase in advance of the camperee. And that should be available for us to purchase
Speaker:[David]: starting sometime. April 1st is what we're shooting for of this year. There is a
Speaker:[David]: United States based for an insurance policy for United States based clubs and attendees.
Speaker:[David]: And again, it's for accidents and emergency illness. The coverage dates are for the actual
Speaker:[David]: days of the camperee, August 5 through 11. with additional days for the direct travel
Speaker:[David]: to and from the Camperee. You know, the Camperee is an amazing event. Getting to
Speaker:[David]: and from the Camperee is also part of the adventure. And we always hear great
Speaker:[David]: stories of the interesting that happen, things that happen on the way to or from the
Speaker:[David]: Camperee. The cost is $9.61 per individual. But for every application that's made, It's
Speaker:[David]: there's a $20 fee that that's really important to know. And I'm giving you like
Speaker:[David]: an inside clue here a way to hack the system. Don't buy them one at a time. Make
Speaker:[David]: sure that you get your whole club on there or even combined with multiple clubs
Speaker:[David]: to have as many people on there. So you pay the application fee that flat fee just
Speaker:[David]: once I would actually encourage you to do it as close to your travel dates as possible.
Speaker:[David]: as well. I almost never tell people to wait to the last minute to do things because
Speaker:[David]: it's not normally a great practice but in this case if you have somebody adding
Speaker:[David]: late or dropping off late you don't want to have to pay for them and go through
Speaker:[David]: that experience or have to add you know a new person for nine dollars and sixty
Speaker:[David]: one cents plus twenty dollars just for that one person. So I'm trying to give
Speaker:[David]: you some clues here on how you can maximize your dollars a little bit on that.
Speaker:[David]: That policy includes accidental death and dismemberment, limit about $50,000, accident
Speaker:[David]: medical expense of $50,000, sickness medical of $10,000, repatriation of remains
Speaker:[David]: for $50,000, emergency medical evacuation for $50,000. There's no deductible and it is
Speaker:[David]: primary cover. So if you are sending your kids to this campery, I highly encourage
Speaker:[David]: your club to make sure you have that in place for everyone. And again, that is for
Speaker:[David]: US based clubs. Alright, that is also what I call a little bit of a goodwill policy
Speaker:[David]: because if something does happen to your camper along the way, this is a policy
Speaker:[David]: that can respond without parents having to feel like they have to bring a grievance
Speaker:[David]: to your organization. There's no lawsuits involved. There's no complaints. It's, yep,
Speaker:[David]: there's a policy in place. There's money that can respond, and that's a positive
Speaker:[David]: goodwill building kind of experience. So I like that about it. If you are bringing
Speaker:[David]: a club from, let's say, outside of the United States, Canada, or pretty much anywhere
Speaker:[David]: else in the world, we have another type of insurance policy called short-term
Speaker:[David]: travel. which we encourage you to use anytime you're traveling outside of your home
Speaker:[David]: country, uh, really important coverage. And that is already available at Adventistrisk.org.
Speaker:[David]: We're going to, of course, share links to the Camperee website, to short-term travel,
Speaker:[David]: uh, to our PowerPoint presentation, supporting documents and anything else we,
Speaker:[David]: we can think of to add value to your experience. in the show notes so that you have
Speaker:[David]: access to everything here, all the details. Our medical team already mentioned
Speaker:[David]: the permission and release forms, really, really important on the medical side. Also
Speaker:[David]: just really important that people release, provide a release, consent to participate.
Speaker:[David]: It's really, really important for parents to say, hey, I know what kind of my kids are
Speaker:[David]: going to be involved in. And this is something they can do. And I've given permission
Speaker:[David]: for them to get into that because, you know, good, good activities and good adventures
Speaker:[David]: for kids sometimes mean some element of risk, some potential hazard. And we want
Speaker:[David]: our kids to grow and become strong and competent, but we want to do that within
Speaker:[David]: sort of their ability. So, um, it's important for our parents to review that. and
Speaker:[David]: for them to have a clear idea of what it is that they're signing off on. So really,
Speaker:[David]: I always try to remind folks whenever you're handing out that kind of release form,
Speaker:[David]: make sure people know
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[David]: what they're signing and make sure the authorized people are signing it. This
Speaker:[David]: is not something you can do on behalf of a parent. I have heard of that happening.
Speaker:[David]: That needs to be very much avoided. Do not do not sign on behalf of. the person
Speaker:[David]: who should be signing. It must be the legal parent or guardian of the child. And
Speaker:[David]: then keep copies as was indicated by the medical team. Really good to keep those
Speaker:[David]: copies, multiple copies in a binder available and secure. You don't want it so
Speaker:[David]: secure you can't get to it, but you do want it to be secure so that people can't
Speaker:[David]: just thumb through information that doesn't really relevant to them. Just a couple
Speaker:[David]: notes. Oh, please. Yes.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Yeah, I was just, you brought up paperwork and things. There have been people
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: wanting to sign on as volunteers for medical. The sign on process is still being
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: tweaked and developed because it does have to feather in and coordinate with
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Department of Homeland Security with Wyoming. So we're putting those pieces
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: together. I'd encourage people that are interested in medical to probably
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: start looking at their sign in and being able to get a time slot of when
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: they'd like to be part of the medical team, probably at the end of the
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: month or the first part of March. Would you say that would be the timeframe,
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Pam and Cindy would be, that seems to be a time when we're gonna be able
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: to pull everything together.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: That's that is our goal. And in looking at just kind of to put
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: things in perspective, from the number of volunteers that we need
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: from the medical team for first responders, physicians, nurses,
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: support staff, we're looking at 200 volunteers per day for the camp
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: re. So that's kind of our yes, that's our scope.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thanks.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: So We've been very blessed so far. I think people are now able
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: to figure out their schedule for this year,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: take vacation that time, that type of thing. So we are getting
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: more medical volunteer interest, which is wonderful. But as Dr. Mayer
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: said, to get that done now will be much more beneficial than
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: waiting. That we don't wanna wait to the last minute.
Speaker:[David]: Yeah. No, not on that one. Ha ha. really good point and nice to know that there's that
Speaker:[David]: coordination with the state of Wyoming it really you guys have a very comprehensive
Speaker:[David]: program going that's well designed so appreciate that just a few notes on transportation
Speaker:[David]: if you are driving or whatever your chosen method of transportation to get to and
Speaker:[David]: from the camperee really do take care your driver selection make sure that you are
Speaker:[David]: choosing really good drivers Enough drivers you cannot have somebody drive for
Speaker:[David]: you know indefinite number of hours and expect them to Be clear-headed and be able
Speaker:[David]: to avoid some potential emergency on the road as it may come up you need people
Speaker:[David]: who are fresh and Give them breaks switch them out and that they have good driving
Speaker:[David]: records. If you're renting a vehicle, please do pick up the rental insurance from
Speaker:[David]: the renting agency. You can work with your conference if you have questions about
Speaker:[David]: that. And also, if you're driving in from another country, I know being from Canada
Speaker:[David]: originally, when I drive up to Canada, I actually get a special card from my insurance
Speaker:[David]: company that lets The Canadian authorities know that yes, in fact, my insurance does apply
Speaker:[David]: in Canada. It's not necessarily automatic. So you should work with your company as well
Speaker:[David]: to make sure if you're coming from outside of the United States that any of those
Speaker:[David]: requirements are covered. Also make sure that we provide adequate supervision in
Speaker:[David]: vehicles. Let's say you're coming in a bus. And you've got, you know, quite a load
Speaker:[David]: of campers on that bus and some volunteers. Make sure that at least two adults are paying
Speaker:[David]: attention at all times. Really, really important to provide effective supervision.
Speaker:[David]: I have to say when we're traveling, especially traveling at night, these are opportunity
Speaker:[David]: zones for disaster. So it's really important for us to be extra vigilant when
Speaker:[David]: we're in these, these... I call them sort of these gray moments, right? Where we
Speaker:[David]: have a more of a challenge of supervision. It's a little harder to pay attention. That's
Speaker:[David]: that's when some things tend to fall through the cracks. So please do be vigilant
Speaker:[David]: about that as I know you are you are our partners in this as it is just a few golf
Speaker:[David]: cart safety rules. This was already mentioned a few a few minutes ago, but also
Speaker:[David]: Just watch out where you're driving. Make sure that as you're driving along in a
Speaker:[David]: golf cart, if you are driving a golf cart, that you're really caring for the other
Speaker:[David]: carts, the pedestrians, you're watching out for vehicles, that kind of thing. Riders
Speaker:[David]: should be limited to the number of seats. riders should be limited to the number
Speaker:[David]: of seats and speed limits must be followed. I know those two are really hard for us to
Speaker:[David]: remember sometimes so we really need to emphasize that as leaders and help make
Speaker:[David]: sure that we remind each other and hold each other accountable in a Christian
Speaker:[David]: way. Follow directions from our safety security staff there's a whole other world
Speaker:[David]: the security world. They are there for to keep us safe. They're there to help
Speaker:[David]: us. And we really, really appreciate them. Sometimes it's hard to receive direction
Speaker:[David]: from, you know, someone who's telling us to do something that we didn't wanna do
Speaker:[David]: or not to go somewhere where we did wanna go. Really, really important that we
Speaker:[David]: be leaders and show that cooperation with our security team. I was just in an airport
Speaker:[David]: recently. And I was trying to make a connection and I had to, you know, navigate
Speaker:[David]: some complicated, um, you know, you're, you're going through all these little gates
Speaker:[David]: and there's different, uh, you know, guidance that they give you as far as where
Speaker:[David]: you should go. And I could see where I was trying to go and I could see other people
Speaker:[David]: look confused. And so I was just going along and they could stop and be confused if
Speaker:[David]: they wanted to, but I knew, I knew where I wanted to go. and I received some direction
Speaker:[David]: from the security in that airport, they had something else on their mind and I
Speaker:[David]: didn't understand what they were, what problem they were trying to solve at the time.
Speaker:[David]: But you know what? It doesn't really matter if I understand it or not. That's what
Speaker:[David]: their role is. Really, really important for me to put myself aside in that moment and
Speaker:[David]: say, Oh, oh, okay. This authority person is trying to solve something for someone who
Speaker:[David]: needs their help. and I can help make that happen. It costs me nothing. Two seconds,
Speaker:[David]: it doesn't matter. So really important for us to do that with our security staff and
Speaker:[David]: our medical team as well.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: If could I just add a couple
Speaker:[David]: Please.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: of thoughts here when you were talking about the travel and
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: my club from here in central Wisconsin, it'll be a 14 hour drive
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: for them. And what I have, they'll be going in a caravan of three
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: vehicles. And what I have told the adults, I said, you need to
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: stop every two hours, get out, run around, people sitting for prolonged
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: periods of time, you tend to... have problems, blood clots can
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: form from lack of movement, that type of thing. You tend to get
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: sleepy and groggy. So stop that every two, two and a half hours.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: The kids will be much more tolerant of the long drive if they
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: can get out and run around as well. And another thing that my husband
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: learned the hard way is especially for men, take that wallet
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: out of your back pocket. For most men, it sits right on your
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: sciatic nerve. And before you know it, they've
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: got
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: you.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: some sciatic pain running down their leg from sitting on a fat
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: wallet for hours on end. So get that wallet out of your back
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: pocket and put it someplace where it's not going to cause you
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: problems.
Speaker:[David]: That's really good advice. I have experienced that pain. So I also experienced some interesting
Speaker:[David]: elbow numbness because I always like to prop my elbow on the window
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Mm-hmm.
Speaker:[David]: and somehow it pinches something and halfway through a trip, I'm doing this strange
Speaker:[David]: shake to loosen myself up and
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Mm-mm. Ha ha ha.
Speaker:[David]: I get laughed at. Thank you. Appreciate that. Just a note on keeping our kids safe
Speaker:[David]: from abuse. You know, we have as a church some fantastic guidelines on protecting
Speaker:[David]: our kids. Really, really good stuff. If you're not familiar and as a Pathfinder
Speaker:[David]: leader, I hope you are. We have a lot of resources on that. The church manual outlines
Speaker:[David]: it very clearly. you know, just ensure that your volunteers are properly screened
Speaker:[David]: with the right reference checks, the criminal background screening. Make sure you
Speaker:[David]: use the two adult rule in transportation and at the camperee. There needs to be good
Speaker:[David]: supervision taking place and just know that as we go on these big adventures, there
Speaker:[David]: is an increased risk. But God takes this stuff super seriously. Protecting our
Speaker:[David]: kids. Whether it's from abuse or injury or a medical like a sickness type of experience.
Speaker:[David]: You know, he takes it extremely seriously. I don't think Jesus ever said anything as bluntly
Speaker:[David]: dare I say harshly as he did. And I think it was Luke 17 where he talks about it's
Speaker:[David]: better for them. Someone who hurts children. that a millstone is put around their
Speaker:[David]: neck and they're thrown into the sea. I mean, talk about some strong language. It's
Speaker:[David]: harsh stuff. He would rather that than one of the little ones be hurt. So that's a
Speaker:[David]: responsibility. It's an awesome responsibility, but we have incredible volunteers, club leaders,
Speaker:[David]: and wonderful professionals like the medical team that's joined me here today. And
Speaker:[David]: I hope that... As we are debriefing from a great camperee later this summer, we
Speaker:[David]: can be reminded of the words in Matthew, Matthew 25 verse 21, his Lord said to him,
Speaker:[David]: well done, thou good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I
Speaker:[David]: will make you ruler over many things, enter into the joy of thy Lord. So thank you
Speaker:[David]: so much. Thank you team for joining me today and highlighting some of the incredible
Speaker:[David]: plans that you guys have and the coordination, but also those points that each of our club
Speaker:[David]: leaders, our volunteers need to have as they're preparing to go to the campery.
Speaker:[David]: So really appreciate your thoughts today.
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Thank
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Thank
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: you.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: you for having us.
Speaker:[David]: Well, it was great to have you. And like we talked about,
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[David]: we're going to prepare all of the sort of the links and the notes and everything so
Speaker:[David]: that folks can have this. And I really, I ask that each of you watching this, share
Speaker:[David]: this out with your fellow club leaders, parents, family members, who are important
Speaker:[David]: stakeholders in making sure that this is a success going forward. So thank you all.
Speaker:[David]: And we can't wait to see you in Gillette, Wyoming.
Speaker:[Pamela Krueger, MSN, RN]: Stop by the medical building.
Speaker:[David]: Thank you and goodbye.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank
Speaker:[Dr. David Mayor]: Bye-bye.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: you.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thanks for watching!
Speaker:[David]: All right.
Speaker:[David]: It's so hard to hold that goodbye at the end.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.
Speaker:[Cindy Aguinaga, BSN,]: Thank you.